CIDB CEO award

Our CEO, Dato’ Ir. Dr. Gue See Sew was presented the CEO of the Year Award at the prestigious Malaysian Construction Industry Excellence Awards (MCIEA) hosted by the Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) Malaysia at Hilton Hotel, Kuala Lumpur.

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The Star



IEM President yctan

Our Senior Director Ir. Dr. Tan Yean Chin has attained his Engineering Doctorate from University Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) effective 21 May 2017.

Senior Director Ir. Dr. Tan Yean Chin is serving second year as IEM President.



Senior Director, Ir. Tan Yean Chin, has been re-appointed by the Minister of Works, Malaysia as Board Member of the Board of Engineers, Malaysia (BEM) for the year 2016/2017.

Our Director, Prof. Ir. Lalchand Gulabrai was interviewed by Professor Saleem H. Ali on green technology. Excerpts from the interview has been published on National Geographic online portal

Our G&P Highway Managing Director, Ir. Lee Choy Hin, was interviewed by Focusweek Megazine. ( For full article, click here.)

Our CEO, Dato’ Ir. Dr. GUE See Sew, presented his keynote paper at the 3rd Annual Underground Space Engineering titled ‘Challenges in Design and Construction of Deep Excavation with Case Studies – KVMRT in KL Limestone“in Singapore on 20 July 2016

Our Director , Prof. Ir. Lalchand Gulabrai wrote the cover story for the Institution of Engineers, Malaysia’s monthly bulletin, Jurutera, July 2016 issue. The article titled “Fostering Green Growth for Malaysia, Energy-wise” is about Lalchand’s thoughts on the country’s green environment.

Senior Director Ir. Tan Yean Chin has been elected as IEM President year 2016/17.

Senior Director Ir.Liew Shaw Shong was interview by NTV 7 Global Watch How to Handle During Earthquake.

and NTV 7 News on  the recent earthquake incident around the world.