Anti-Bribery Policy



It is the policy of the Company to conduct its affairs in strict compliance with the letter and spirit of the law and to adhere to the highest principles of business ethics. As part of that, the Company takes a zero-tolerance against all forms of bribery and corruption and is committed to acting professionally, fairly and with integrity in all its business dealings and relationships, wherever it operates, and implementing and enforcing effective bribery and corruption management systems to counter bribery and corruption.



Accordingly, all directors, officers, employees (whether permanent, fixed term or temporary), technical and other business associates and other relevant stakeholders or any other person associated with or acting on behalf of the Company, wherever located (collectively referred to as Representatives in this policy) must avoid activities which are in conflict, or give the appearance of being in conflict, with these principles and with the interests of the Company.



The Company is committed to implement a culture of continuous improvement of an Anti-Bribery Management System (referred to in as (ABMS) in accordance with ISO 37001:2016 standard by:


  1. Prohibiting bribery with No Gifts Policy


The Company upholds anti-bribery and corruption principles in all business dealings and interactions with external parties, including business associates, government agencies and stakeholders by:


  • not giving or receiving bribes or improper advantages, either directly or through any third party;
  • not giving or receiving facilitation payments or Gifts of any kind; and
  • not giving or receiving any gifts, entertainment, hospitality, travelling, donations and sponsorship or benefit that may improperly influence a decision or impair independence or judgement.


  1. Observance of law and regulation


The Company conducts its business ethically and in compliance with all applicable laws, rules and regulations and the spirit of them against bribery and corruption and corruption practices in every country where it does business.


  1. Creating a bribery-free business environment:


  • to establish, review and achieve the anti-bribery objectives;
  • to ensure the Company Representatives and organisations which the Company control comply with this policy and subjecting them who do not comply with this Anti-Bribery Policy to disciplinary actions in accordance with Company policies, procedures and if warranted legal action based on the applicable laws;
  • to prevent conflicts of interest by avoiding or dealing appropriately with situations in which the Company own interests could conflict with the Company obligations or duties;
  • to work only with business associates, organizations and people that conform to standards consistent with the Company;
  • to encourage and enable person(s) both internal and external of the Company to report in good faith or on the basis of reasonable belief in confidence, without fear of reprisal any attempted, suspected and actual bribery and corruption, or any violation of or weakness in the Company ABMS;
  • to refrain from retaliation in any way against a person for making a complaint, testifying, assisting, or participating in any manner in an investigation or complaint proceeding. Retaliatory actions which are prohibited include intimidation, threats, coercion, or discrimination against any such individual;
  • to establish, document, implement and continually improve the Company ABMS to help prevent any breach of this policy, and to detect, report and deal with any breach which may occur; and
  • to ensure the anti-bribery and corruption compliance function to be adequately assigned to person(s) who have the appropriate competence, status, authority and independence and who have direct and prompt access to the Board of Directors (Governing Body) and Top Management for overseeing, providing advice and guidance to personnel, monitoring and reporting of the performance and actions acted upon by the Top Management and Board of Directors (Governing Body), continual improvement and others as appropriate of the ABMS in the Company.


Stance Against Bribery and Corruption

The Company regards bribery and corruption and acts of corruption as serious matters and will apply penalties in the event of non-compliance with this Policy. For the Company Personnel, non-compliance may lead to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment and if warranted legal action in accordance with enforcement legislations.



Each Head of Department reporting to Top Management of the Company and the managers at every level is responsible for ensuring this Anti-Bribery Policy and the updated revision is duly communicated and implemented, and that the employees within his/her area of responsibility and the business associates and other relevant stakeholders as appropriate have read, understood and follow this Policy. The employees and business associates and other relevant stakeholders as appropriate are individually responsible for reading, understanding and following this Policy.



Any disclosure with reasonable belief of attempted, suspected and actual Bribery within G&P Professionals Sdn. Bhd. can be reported to our Whistle-Blowing Committee via email at or by formal letter addressed to:

The Whistle-Blowing Committee
Wisma G&P, 39-5 Jalan Tasik Selatan 3,
Bandar Tasik Selatan,
57000 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 03-90595396


 Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety Policy


We at G&P Professionals Sdn Bhd, as a management of Engineering Consultancy Services Undertaken By Specialist Firms are committed to the following policy in accordance with ISO 14001:2015 & ISO 45001:2018 requirements:

  • Provide safe and healthy working conditions for the prevention of work-related injury and ill health;
  • Strive to protect the environment and prevent pollution in our activities;
  • Ensure compliance with statutory, regulatory requirements and other applicable requirements that relate to environmental and occupational health & safety;
  • Create awareness to eliminate risks or hazards and reduce environmental and occupational health & safety risks or hazards;
  • Strive towards the continual improvement of the environmental, occupational health and safety management system and their performance and effectiveness;
  • Investigate all incidents or accidents and take steps to ensure they do not recur; and
  • Involve workers’ participation and consultation in planning and implementation of environmental, health and safety management systems.


Quality Policy

We are in the Management of Engineering Consultancy Services Undertaken By Specialist Firms are committed:

  • To exceed Client Expectations through high quality, efficient and value added services;
  • To strive for continual improvement of Quality Management System; and
  • To comply with ISO 9001:2015, client and relevant statutory and regulatory requirements.


These Policies are communicated to all staff, consultants, suppliers and contractors and other relevant stakeholders and is made available to other stakeholders or the public upon written request.


Human Rights Policy


At G&P Professionals Sdn Bhd (G&P), we are committed to respecting and promoting human rights in all aspects of our operations as outlined in the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights set forth by the United Nations.


Key Principles:


  • Respect for All Individuals: We treat all individuals with dignity and respect, regardless of race, gender, nationality, religion, age, or any other status.
  • Safe and Fair Workplace: We ensure a safe, healthy, and fair working environment. This includes prohibiting forced labour, child labour, discrimination, and harassment in any form.
  • Equal Opportunity: We are committed to providing equal employment opportunities and promoting diversity within our workforce. Providing fair treatment and equal rights to employees without discrimination during hiring, on the job and upon leaving.
  • Fair Wages and Working Conditions: We ensure that all employees are paid fairly and work under conditions that meet or exceed legal and industry standards.
  • Freedom of Expression: We respect the rights of individuals to freely express their views, provided they align with the laws of the country and the company’s values.
  • Access to Remedy: We are committed to providing effective grievance mechanisms, ensuring that employees can raise concerns, report violations and receive appropriate responses and remedies in a transparent manner.


We regularly review our human rights practices to ensure they reflect our commitment to ethical business operations and respect for human rights.