Taipei, 14th October 2019.

Dr. Ir. Tan Yean Chin was invited lecturer at 16 ARC (Asian Regional Conferences on soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering) Ir. Liew Shaw Shong, Ir. Chow Chee Meng  and Ir. Kwang Kim Lup & G&P also present their technical paper in the  conference.

Ir. Liew Shaw Shong has represented G&P to present about Tanjung Bunga Landslide Case at 15th ACES-ACEM Dialogue 2019, Singapore, 16 November 2019.

Our Senior Director Ir. Liew Shaw Shong has been invited as one of the speakers to share our project experience for the theme of the seminar at REAM – YTL Cement’s 5th Edition of Building Better Roads Seminars Geotechnical Stabilisation with Cementitious Solutions, Vistana Kuala Lumpur, 14 November 2019.


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Our Senior Director Ir. Liew Shaw Shong has been elected as the President of Malaysian Geotechnical Society (MGS) on 24 June 2019 for session 2019 to 2021.




G&P Engineers Ir. Teh Wai San, Ir. Jason Lim Aing Ho, Ir. Lim Boon Lin and Ir. Kwang Kim Lup has presented 5 paper at MGS-GEOSS Geotechnical Conference 2019 in Hilton hotel Petaling Jaya on 24 – 26 June 2019 (all paper can be view here)



Ir. Dr. Tan Yean Chin has represented G&P to present a technical paper in World Tunnel Congress 2019 (WTC2019) in Naples, Italy (3-9 May 2019).


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Senior Director Ir. Liew Shaw Shong was appointed as the panel member of Industry Advisory Panel (IAP) for University Technology Petronas for 2019.

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Senior Director Ir. Dr. Tan Yean Chin was invited speaker for Malaysia Productivity Blueprint.

G&P Senior Director Ir.Liew Shaw Shong has been interview by FM988 Radio. The interview can be watch here(in mandarin)